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Why write adventure gamebooks?

 Uploaded a video about why I write gamebooks.

So why write adventure gamebooks?

To explain that we'll have to take a little dive into history.

I'm not sure what was my first gamebook but the first ones I remember were the fighting fantasy series, starting with house of hell. I was around 10 years old and loved horror so the combination of the illustrations coupled with the spooky story was right up my alley. I bought a few more in the fighting fantasy series then started to branch out into other ones. I was really into ninjas so bought a couple of the assassin series which were great and then got hooked on the falcon series, buying all but the last one which I couldn't find anywhere at the time. I had a few other one offs like an Indiana Jones tie in and a choose your own adventure as well as a 2000AD Slaine adventure comic. As I grew older I lost interest and got more into console gaming, leaving the books in a box to be found every now and again for a quick perusal before being stashed away again and then eventually sold.

2022 came around after a number of major upheavals in my life and I had time to think. I'd been reading about gamebooks on and off for a while and eventually the idea coalesced in my mind that I could try to write my own. It seemed a fairly daunting task but after some research I was on my way, mapping out my first adventure.

I think the main reason gamebooks have stuck in my head is partially the novelty. They are completely unique. The interactivity opens out so many possibilities. They are still obviously constricted by their physical form. There are only so many paths available. But a well crafted gamebook punches well above it's weight leaving you wondering how the authors manage to cram so much into so little.

So I think the main reason is I'm always hoping to catch a little of that magic, that wow factor.

Until next time.


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